
Inspector Management

Inspector accounts are used to access our mobile and tablet-based software. Our subscription model is based on the number of inspectors you have on your account, each inspector accounts for a single licence.

Creating an inspector

Create your templates first

Create your templates before creating an inspector account as templates are required to be assigned to your inspectors.

You can create an inspector from the website dashboard by visiting the inspector page and selecting the "Create Inspector" button. Add your inspector information and either generate a random password (which will be sent via email to the specified inspector email) or add your password.

Under the Template Access section, select the template that will be accessible by the inspector, and add any licence numbers or qualifications if required. The licence information will be visible on the report document.

removing an inspector

To remove an inspector account, edit the inspector and select the delete inspector button at the bottom of the page.


Removing an inspector will also remove all associated data tied to that inspector including any reports they may have completed.

Change inspector details

Inspector details can be modified at any time, it is worth noting that changing inspector details will log the inspector out of the applications if they are logged in.

Assign a template to an inspector

Templates can be added or removed from inspector accounts at any time, to make changes to the templates that the inspector has access to, simply edit the inspector account and adjust the toggles for each template as required. If the inspector has reports from a revoked template, those reports will remain on their device as well as the dashboard.

Add licence or qualifications

Licences/Qualifications can be added against each template if required. This field is only required if the "Inspector Licence Required" was specified when creating the template, otherwise, it is optional. The licence/qualifications will appear on the report document.

Inspector accounts can only be signed in on a single device at any given time. If you would like to sign in on another device, you can either log out of the app on the signed-in device, or unlink the device from the website dashboard. Unlinking a device can be done from the inspector page.
