
Account Management

Manage your account with our easy-to-follow documentation, if you have any questions get in touch with us at support@inspecteasy.com.au or use the live chat feature located in the bottom right.

Account Management

Manage your administration account.

Creating a New Account

To create an account, visit the registration page and fill out your desired account details. Once complete you will be directed to our dashboard where you'll be required to finish the setup of your account. This includes adding your billing details, creating an inspector account, creating your templates, adding your business details and styling your report templates.

Change account password

If you require a change to your password, you can do so from the account settings page.

Close your account

At this point we do not offer a facility to close your account from the dashboard. If you wish to have your information removed from our servers. Please contact us and we'll take care of this for you.

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